To complete your Associate Membership application, please complete the form below.

Annual Membership is typically $52.00 per year

Completing this option means you pay nothing via this website, but authorise the deduction of $2.00 per fortnight from your salary.

Salary deduction comprises of 26 fortnightly payments of $2.00 to total the membership fee of $52.00 per year.

This option allows you to authorise the NSW Police Force – Business Services (payroll) to deduct $2.00 from your salary / wages and remit this on your behalf to the NSW Police Council of Sport.

Please note, this option is only available to currently employed and serving NSW Police Force Officers. You MUST include your Employee ID / Registered ID to validate your request for automatic salary deduction.

    Associate Member - Salary Deduction Registration

    * indicates required

    I authorise the NSW Police to start deductions from my salary/wages and remit them on my behalf to the NSW Police Council of Sport Inc. Fortnightly amount $2.00.
    I understand that amounts remitted on my behalf are deemed to be payment made by me. I want this authority to continue until I cancel it in writing. I agree to hold the NSW Police and every employee thereof, harmless and indemnified against any claim arising out of any act or deductions and remittance as authorised by me.